If you need to contact the office staff outside those hours, feel free to email .
- 2025-2026 PK-12th Financial Information
- TVCS K-12th Admissions Application
- TVCS Pre-K Admissions Application
- Campus Wear Handbook 2024-2025
- TVCS Goals
- TVCS Statement of Faith
- West Virginia Immunization Requirements for 7th & 12th Grade
- West Virginia Immunization Requirements for New School Enterers
Non-Discrimination Policy
Teays Valley Christian School admits students of any race, color, national, or ethnic origin to all of the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to the students at the school. It does not discriminate in the administration of its educational policies, admission policies, financial aid, athletic activities, and other school administrative programs.
Testimonial Videos
Teays Valley Christian School provides the highest quality education, facilities, and programs available while balancing the effective management of its finances at an appropriate and non-exclusive tuition rate. We understand that choosing Christian education can be a significant investment. Wondering if it’s really worth it? Check out the testimonial videos below by a TVCS graduate and a current parent:
A Message Regarding Admissions
From the Desk of Student Services
Thank you for your interest in Teays Valley Christian School. I look forward to meeting you and your family as we proceed through the enrollment process. It is an honor and a privilege to serve you in this ministry, and I will do my best to assist in every way as you consider TVCS for the educational needs of your child(ren).
To be considered for enrollment, complete and return the Admissions Application along with all supporting documents and the application fee. Applications are available for download, in the school office, or packets can be sent to you directly as requested.
Regarding the application, answer each question completely and to the best of your knowledge. For areas that do not apply to your family situation, you should mark the area with “n/a” so we know you have given consideration.
It is important to understand that the completion of the application is not meant to imply that we are presently enrolling or reserving a position for your child. However, it is the first step in the process. The enrollment process includes, but is not limited to, a review of the application and supporting documentation, an interview, a tour of the facilities, and registration. Registration fees are due at the completion of this process to secure your child’s position in the class and are non-refundable. Please do not send registration fees with this application.
Again, thank you for prayerfully considering Teays Valley Christian School. At any time, should you have any questions feel free to contact the school office.
Bekah Crouch
Student Services
Message From the Administrator
Considering the influence, relationships, and academic preparation that encompass the education experience, selecting a school for your child(ren) is one of the most critical decisions and investments a parent will ever make. For over 44 years, Teays Valley Christian has provided a rigorous Christ-centered education in which God’s word is integrated into every facet of life. During this rich tradition, alumni from TVCS have experienced exceptional preparation for leadership and life.
TVCS is blessed to hold a distinctive position among Christian and private schools in the state of West Virginia, as well as the Central region of ACSI. We are proud to be accredited by ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International), Cognia, and the West Virginia Department of Education.
TVCS supports parents in delivering a biblically-driven college preparatory education in a vibrant Christ-centered community that enables students to utilize their God-given gifts and fulfill their God-given purpose. Because of this awesome responsibility and partnership with parents, we intentionally encourage every student to have a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. It is a tremendous blessing and privilege to work alongside a faculty that is strongly committed to their calling: teaching students to be good stewards of what God has graciously given them and preparing them to be leaders that influence their world for Christ. Guiding children in the process of integrating their faith and learning is best accomplished when the family, church, and school come together in this vital task.
Our students in pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade are challenged intellectually in a relational environment, taught from a biblical perspective. As you will see through our website, students are provided with numerous opportunities to develop their gifts academically, spiritually, socially, and physically. It is my commitment to every family here that we will continue to pursue God’s excellence and build upon the great tradition of Teays Valley Christian School. I invite you to spend a few minutes and review our website, which will give you a brief introduction to philosophy, faculty, facilities, and academic and extra-curricular programming. Thank you for your interest and for giving us the opportunity to share more about the unique opportunities available at Teays Valley Christian School.
Mr. Jody Sowards